vPSI Group, LLC consulting services fall into two categories: vPSI System specific consulting and other consulting services. Consulting services may be provided either on the basis of all inclusive fixed prices or time and materials. Contact us for more information about the service offerings below. vPSI System Consulting Services vPSI Implementation Consulting: The purpose of this service is to maximize the impact of the vPSI System in the organization while minimizing footprint and disruption. Utilizing experienced vPSI Group personnel to assist in development and modification of business processes to include vPSI principles can accelerate the realization of the vPSI System’s benefits to the organization. This service can be provided at any stage of a vPSI implementation’s maturity. Training-Based Consulting: vPSI offers a related consulting, mentoring and guidance service as follow up to each training class. Although vPSI methods and concepts are simple, using them involves setting aside some conventional thinking about safety and problems in general. Because traditional ways may be extremely deeply rooted in the individual and organization, supporting and mentoring vPSI Graduates helps them to continue effectively applying the vPSI methods and concepts in the workplace. Support can be structured as demand-led or schedule based. Sustainability Consulting: See the ESG page for more information. Non-Productive Time Consulting: Enormous value is available to be unlocked right now using the vPSI System™. Your organization already has the expertise necessary to solve problems; vPSI efficiently leverages these existing competencies to eliminate repeat learnings and make improvement sustainable.See the brochure for more information. vPSI Assessor Maintenance: The purpose of this service is to maintain the skill level of participants in the vPSI Certified Assessor Program. Either monthly or quarterly, the Assessor receives an email with details of an incident or incidents in the vPSI Online Rating Tool which they will then rate. The Assessor’s rating is then marked by a vPSI Consultant and feedback provided. Any Marathon Assessor whose ratings deviate significantly from the “official” rating will be mentored by a vPSI Consultant to eliminate the underlying misunderstanding. Assistance with Investigations: Senior vPSI Group, LLC personnel are available to assist in the investigation and resolution of unplanned events, whether loss event or near miss. This consulting assistance may occur at any point in the investigation process. Significant benefit will result from vPSI involvement in the cause / effect analysis stage and development of corrective actions. Regular Review of Investigations: The objective of this service is to identify sub-optimal investigation outcomes and additional opportunities for improvement. An additional benefit is to reduce the likelihood of problems being revealed at the annual vPSI audit. Recently generated Investigation Reports are uploaded into the vPSI Online Rating Tool on a periodic basis (from electronic files provided by the client) followed by vPSI rating of corrective actions and issuing a report. The review can be conducted monthly or quarterly according to needs and volume. Review of Pre-Task Planning: The most powerful form of corrective action is a preventive action, and the point of application for this concept is the pre-task planning process. Unfortunately, the traditional pre-task planning process suffers from numerous problems and yet, in many organizations, is extremely resistant to change. The purpose of this service is to apply vPSI principles as a detached third party to ensure that pre-task planning is conducted at its most effective level. Contractor Selection & Management: vPSI analysis of incident or quality problem reports from a prospective contractor provides a valuable insight into the culture of that organization. All other things being equal, the contractor with the highest vPSI Metrics is likely to be the least troublesome to work with going forward. Co-Venturer / Development Partner Selection: vPSI analysis of incident investigation reports from a prospective co-venturer or development partner provides a valuable insight into the culture of that organization. The organization with the highest vPSI Metrics is the partner of choice. Other Consulting Services Management / Project Management Consulting: Combining the experience of senior vPSI Group personnel with their expertise in the vPSI System leads to powerful offerings in general management and project management consulting. Particular services include business process optimization and audits. Motor Vehicle and Driving Safety Consulting Services: Land transportation poses one of the greatest avenues for serious incidents faced by many companies. Movement of people , equipment, and goods needs to be properly managed to reduce risks and exposures to loss. vPSI Group can develop and implement a full suite of business processes to assess the major hazard areas for your organization and establish protocols to mitigate potential risks. Click here here to see the brochure. Meeting Facilitation: vPSI Group offers experienced and skilled facilitators to maximize the effectiveness of your important meetings. Speaker Presentations: Team building events and retreats will be enhanced by a thought provoking speaker presentation by a vPSI Group Director or Consultant. Many subjects lend themselves to the “vPSI treatment”. Topics presented previously include:
Other topics can be addressed according to the theme of an event. Service Quality Any type of service job that doesn’t go as planned can be considered an “accident” in the sense that an unplanned event led to some type of “harm”. The harm may be loss of reputation, equipment down-time, loss of reputation, etc. vPSI methods can be employed to identify the acts of people that led to the unplanned event and develop Corrective Actions to ensure the event doesn’t repeat. Contact us to see how vPSI Group can help you accomplish your goals.